The rational, scholarly part of me realizes that when this life is over and we are in the presence of God, the questions that we ponder now won't be important at all. That being said, most of us have those "When I get to heaven I'm going to ask God..." questions. These questions are of utmost importance to our lives right now. These are the crucial things that keep us awake worrying all night long. Here's mine: When I get to heaven I'm going to ask God why dogs love things that stink.
Breeze loves laundry day. The Monday morning mountain of dirty clothes becomes her playground. She buries her nose in the pile and digs around until she finds her treasure - the dirtiest, nastiest, smelliest dishrag in the pile. She pulls it out of the pile so that she can roll around on it for a bit and then she carries it in her mouth the rest of the morning.
This behavior probably wouldn't bother me as much if Breeze could hold her licker - but she can't. She loves to lick - hands, jeans, faces, glass doors, bare feet...and I think I'll stop there before I make myself sick. Her tongue touches every stinky dirty thing that she smells and then she licks me. Gross.
What if on that day in the future that will never end, I actually did ask my question to God? What would his answer be? I think that right before I got to the point of asking my question, God would answer it by saying something like, "Didn't you do the same thing? Didn't you roll around in the filth of sin and then come lick me? Didn't you revel in the aroma of the world and then try to draw close to me?"
Life as I know it is best when I keep my nose out of the dirty clothes.
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