If you laughed at the title - you don't have an iPhone. Those owned by iPhones moaned an instictive sympathetic sort of growl. They've been there, helplessly watching their iPhone sync, staring at the little gray bar trying to figure out if it stopped moving, tapping their foot impatiently... You see, you can't do anything with your iPhone while it is syncing. And in the nine months that my iPhone has owned me (you thought I had put the words in the wrong order the first time - let me assure you that the ordering of the words is correct, I don't own an iPhone - my iPhone owns me), it has never failed that right in the middle of syncing my iPhone with my computer I needed something from my iPhone. This morning it was Angie needing a cell number. And I stood helplessly staring at my phone... waiting... pleading with it to hurry before she had to run off to work... all to no avail. I stood helplessly and watched my iPhone sync.
In order for my iPhone to operate at its fullest potential, it is essential to allow it to sync every now and then. The only way to update some of the features and receive some applications and podcasts is to allow the iPhone to sit there connected to the computer. And it is essential to leave the iPhone and the computer hooked up until the sync is complete. I don't think it will ruin the phone - but if you cancel the sync before it is done...you have to sync it again. Yuck.
My anxiety over my phone this morning caused me to stop and think about how synced I am. Have I allowed myself to be fully connected to the source of true life? uninterrupted? receiving the information and support that I need to live life to my fullest potential?
My tendency is to run fast and furious. (Not the exercise kind of running - more like the chicken with its head cut off kind of running.) Often I pause for just a moment and try to plug in to God in a hurry, but I don't spend the time I need to fully sync up with him. Instead I get a quick fix - attending church on Sunday, reading a verse or two in my Bible, maybe even pausing to say a quick prayer when I find myself in trouble - then I unplug and try to live life on my own again.
Life as I know it is best when I take the time to sync on a regular basis. I am learning to sync by starting out every day listening to God's voice through reading scripture, listening for God's voice through prayer, spending time in silence (without my iPhone near me). It is after significant time in these disciplines that I can start my day in sync with God. It helps me tune in to God's will for the rest of the day. What about you? Are you synced?
A Dying Man’s Wish
1 day ago
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