How often are we called to take our minds back to the cross? How often do we try to imagine that scene? How often does it come out looking like a silhouette or like a scene we saw in a movie once?
This morning I want to ask you to take your minds back just a little ways away from the cross. A little to the side of the cross. Imagine the scene as you hear these words from John’s gospel…
“Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother…”
Have you ever seen the cross through her eyes?
Watching your own son die?
Have you ever stood in her place as God offers forgiveness to the world?
We talk freely about God sending his one and only son into the world to save sinners. Somehow we think that God had everything worked out and so it didn’t really hurt him all that much. We figure that God already had the power to destroy death, so what did it really matter that Jesus was going to be dead for a couple of days.
But have you ever seen the sacrifice from Mary’s point of view? She didn’t know he would rise again. She didn’t fully understand the battle that was being fought or the victory that was being won that day. She saw her son – beaten and bloody, hanging, dying, on a cross. Perhaps she remembered the words Simeon had spoken when she and Joseph had taken Jesus to the temple after he was born, “and a sword will pierce your own soul, too.”
This morning as we gather around this table, let us remember the real sacrifice that was made. Let us remember the pain and anguish of this sacrifice. Let us be touched again by the real, raw, emotions present with us at this table. And let us be thankful that the sacrifice was made that can bring us peace.
A Dying Man’s Wish
1 day ago
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